Wednesday, October 19, 2011


The trend these days is definitely fairy tales, as evidenced by all the recent books, films and TV series loosely based on classic fairy tale stories. Take for instance the new ABC series, Once Upon a Time, set in present day but with a cast of fairy tale characters that can't remember their true identities or anything about their former lives. Other shows include Grimm and a series based on Beauty and The Beast. Another updated version of the same story is the film Beastly based on Alex Finn's book of the same name. The number of Young Adult fiction based on fables are endless. Recently, I read Sisters Red by Jackson Pearce, which is a modern twist on Little Red Riding Hood about two sisters whose mission in life is to rid the world of werewolves. There are also dozens of upcoming films in development, including Sleeping Beauty, Neverland, Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters, and several versions on the stories Snow White, Cinderella, and Peter Pan.

Here are some stills shot by fashion photographer Eugenio Recuenco for a photo spread he did called Fairy Tales.

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